Monday, August 28, 2006

The Chinese Correlation....

From Travellers' Tales....apparently 'the more Chinese a country has, the richer it becomes'

Burma: 3% Chinese, $157 per capita GDP
Cambodia: 1.2% Chinese, $341 per capita GDP
Laos: 1% Chinese, $396 per capita GDP
Vietnam: 3% Chinese, $518 per capita GDP
Philippines: 2% Chinese, $1,021 per capita GDP
Indonesia: 3.1% Chinese, $1,100 per capita GDP
Thailand: 12% Chinese, $2,845 per capita GDP
Malaysia: 25% Chinese, $5,003 per capita GDP
Singapore: 76.8% Chinese, $24,620 per capita GDP


Blogger Sidney said...

Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.
-Aaron Levenstein-

8:42 am  
Blogger Scorpy said...

Should that read expat chinese? - otherwise China would be very rich indeed :)

12:14 pm  
Blogger Paulina said...


China: 99% Chinese, $6800 GDP per capita. Much lower than Singapore.

Those stats would really feed that fanatic nationalism in China, the population of which is probably best described as "misguided".

Hi. Just stumbled across your site. I am actually Chinese. Hmm they might come and arrest me now.

9:28 pm  

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