Thursday, June 30, 2005

The things that people do....

the other day I was talking to a friend about things that couples do to each other when they split up (and its nasty)...there is the usual....leaving the a/c on and the windows open if they are out of town, calling the speaking clock, sprinkling grass seeds on a carpet and watering them...and then there's eBay.

...remember boys, 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'.....

And in other news....

The gnomes are on the move again....but can I just ask - can someone please define what is 'a gnome sort of village'?

'Top 50 Handsome Men' Clive Owen, Robbie Williams and Hugh Jackman...can't argue with that - but where is Bradley Whitford?


Anonymous Edinburgh Flats said...

Fantastic read. Just wanted to comment and let you know. Thanks

10:35 pm  

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