Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Mississippi Burning..........

In 1964, three men were murdered in Philadelphia, Mississippi. Today, 41 years later, jury selection has started in the case that is bringing Edgar Ray Killen to trial. Killen has been tied up with this case since the beginning, according to the records he helped to organise the group that followed and stopped the three men in their car, in 1967 he was charged and acquitted of violating their civil rights.

On BBC world this morning they showed a few clips from KKK meetings from the 60's...we all know they exist, we all know the hatred they preach, but it is not until you see one of their member's holding forth that you are reminded of the sheer evil that these people spew forth.

Interestingly enough, I found articles from the BBC and CNN; but not from the NY Times or the Washington Post...This article came from the Associated Press. A more in depth article on the case can be found here.

I am not sure why this news story interests me so much, is because I have been to Mississippi - driven the length of the state from North to South, or that I have a good friend from Clarksdale, Mississippi, or is it the inherent evil of the KKK that continues to horrify but in some twisted way - fascinate or is that even after 41 years justice must still and can still be done.

The film “Mississippi Burning” was based on this story. It is not a 100% accurate in its representation of the story, however it does give a good picture of what happened during that period of time.


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