Sunday, June 12, 2005

And from the news desk.....

On this day in 1964 Nelson Mandela was jailed for life.

This is a doctor that we would all do well to avoid.

After five months in captivity Florence Aubenas and Hussein Hanoun al-Saadi have been freed. I cannot even begin to imagine what hell they have been through...but at least these two have had a good ending to their ordeal, unlike so many others.

Mahmoud Abbas has made a very controversial decision, so far Abu Mazem has gained a fair amount of support worldwide for how he is handling the very volatile situation he has 'inherited'. However, it will be interesting to see how the world at large reacts to his method of controlling the present lawlessness of certain areas of the Palestinian Territories.

And Camilla makes it to the Buck House balcony.


Anonymous Buck said...

Goodness, there is a great deal of effective info above!
led bulb

12:22 am  

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