
(please excuse the haunted look on her face, it's almost permanent, she seems to think she is the most hard done by cat on the face of the planet and takes every possible opportunity to remind me of the fact!)
Now I don't normally leave the lid up on my laptop because I know from past experience that Chiang Kai-shek likes to get on the keyboard...nice and warm apparently! But this morning I was kind of tired, very dopey...and just forgot...
Now, unfortunately my screen looks like this....

and this....

and I don't know how to change it and make the text nice and small again....All those of you with a Mac or Mac knowledge...any suggestions...?
.......Or the cat gets it!!!!!!
Safari right? Apple/Command key and – (minus). Also in View –>Customize Address Bar you can add Text SIze.
Let the cat have it.
HK Macs...thanks to you...Chiang Kai-shek will live to see another sunrise!!
Mia (via email)also thought the cat should 'get it'!!!!
Our cat Amelia also has that uncontrollable urge to lie on our keyboard the rare times we leave the lid up. Twice, she managed to get all the text blurry and big. Still don't know which button it was that did that. Then I figured (after many days of pressing all the keys) that if I punched F1, it asked if I wanted to reset it to an older date. That did it.
Your woes reminded me of this comic.
Hope you get a laugh out of it.
My mother has the same problem (usually when she's at the keyboard) and sends along this link...
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