That can't be good....
I saw this headline on the BBC website....
Remember these?
The pound note is long dead, but one bureau de change wasn't told
I thought to wasn't that long ago that they ceased to be legal wrong can I be...pound notes stopped being legal tender in 1988, that's 17 years ago...I thought it was just a few years back...and even worse - the pound coin was introduced in 1983 - that's 22 years ago!! I remember that...even now when I go back to the UK (not often admittedly)I still think the notes would be better than all these bloody coins!!!
Oh..and here's a first pocket money savings account was with the Post Office (accounts since stopped) and was in Pounds, Shillings and Pence!
Where has my life gone? I think it is time to start doing some serious planning! all about it here. (The BBC article, that is...not the urgent planning of my life!)
What the F....... I guess that means that the GBP25.34 I had sitting there for a rainy day has been swallowed up.
Grrrrrr how come I didn't know of this, could it possibly be because I've not lived in the UK for a very long time and never gave the Post Office a new address.
I never actually used mine after it will have closed with the equivalent of about 2 pounds and a few shillings and pence in the account!
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