Wednesday, March 02, 2005

"(dis)Honour Killings"

Thank you to Natasha over at Mental Mayhem for highlighting one important story coming out of Jordan. Unfortunately for the last few days I have not been able to access the Jordan Times website so missed the story, which is.....

A man sentenced to one year in prison for killing his sister had his sentence increased to seven years today after the case was returned to the Criminal Court. Jaber Mohammad, 39, was originally sentenced to a one-year prison term by the court in July 2002 for stabbing his 35-year-old married sister eight times on Jan. 22, 2001.

However, after a review by the Court of Cassation, the Criminal Court yesterday overruled the original charge of misdemeanor and found Mohammad guilty of manslaughter. "The defendant knew of his sister's affair for almost a month and did not kill her, therefore he does not benefit from the fit of fury clause used in the previous ruling," the higher court said.

Article 98 of the Penal Code, which states that: "He who commits a crime in a fit of fury caused by an unlawful or dangerous act on the part of the victim benefits from a reduction of penalty.
(From the Jordan Times via Mental Mayhem)

This can only be good news for all those people that are trying to stop the light sentences passed down on men convicted of "Honour Killings". Personally, I think that locking these people up and throwing away the key is too good for them..I have in mind a slightly more gruesome end for them.

I would like to point out that the title of this post is not aimed at the women who are killed in these so called honour killings, it is aimed at the people who perpetrate (normally men) and support these crimes against women who are trying to lead a life or grasp an opportunity that I take for granted - these are the people I call dishonourable.


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