Friday, September 02, 2005

This weird cyberworld we inhabit....

This morning I have taken a little bit of time out due to feeling like death warmed up and as a result am catching up properly with the blogs I missed whilst I was away, it's always interesting to catch up after a while...particularly in this part of the world where everyone seems to be so nomadic!

I am pleased to see that Stefan and Dave over at Blog the Talk are thinking of including Singapore in their scope of operations (although as they say...'how' is still to be defined)...Singapore is one of my favourite cities in Asia and has a great history which I am sure so many tourists are unaware of. Also thanks for the nice comments, although I don't know if 'wearing my heart on my sleeve' is something that people in the 'real world' would say to describe me!! Obviously writing behind a vague veil of anonmity is helpful.

And to Jakartass...thanks also for the comment...I am flattered that you lifted the post in it's entirety....but am 100% sure you could have found it better said elsewhere...and also thanks for the heads up on the Joho plug...I am incredibly lazy and never look at my tracker so am usually unaware of who is visiting me!

One of my favourite posts of my catch up is from Platypus obviously his move to Singapore has not inhibited his ability to make people think....


Blogger Dave and Stefan said...

Yes, the Singapore details have yet to be worked out, but we are very hopeful.

I suppose you are right, the anonymity of blogging allows one to express emotion as catharsis. I guess with my name attached to my blog that doesn't ordinarily occur to me!

Hope you're feeling better.

9:20 pm  

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