Saturday, August 27, 2005

Spanish Inquisition...

this holiday at home has been incredibly stressful...more so than any other...maybe it is because I have not had any real time to has all been family stuff and a lot of it seemingly pointless...or maybe it is that my Mother has been putting the Spanish Inqisition to shame with her questioning techniques...I am not a particularly private person but when people start interrogating me with "What did you do, who did you see, what did you buy" I suddenly clam up and resent any sort of question. As I remarked to a friend of mine in Shanghai the other Mother makes the Spanish Inquisition look like a benign information bureau.

so it made me laugh when I clicked over to MLQ3 for a Philippine update and saw his reference to the Monty Python sketch...'No one expects the Spanish Inquisition except he had linked it with the "Energy Police" that are to make surprise visits to government offices to check that they are conserving energy. Come to think of it, maybe they would like to make a flying visit to HKG to Immigration Tower and the like, just to learn how NOT to conserve energy...I like my rooms cold...but even I have to wear a jumper when I go to Immigration or Revenue Tower!!


Anonymous Dominic said...

This won't work in reality, that is what I suppose.
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