Summer Promotion....

strange, not something I've ever thought of working a promotion around....
update: I knew there was something more to this 'promotion' than met the over lunch I quizzed two of my colleagues who were well placed to answer, one a guy, the other a mother of two boys...and the explanation goes something like this...
Circumcision here is the 'norm', and apparently, once reaching the appropriate age, (seems to be somewhere around 10-12) if you have not been circumcised you can be given a fairly hard time of it by your peers, teasing is apparently rife in the locker room. It is seen as a rite of passage and therefore should be done. My male colleague asked for it to be done, the mother of two boys apparently suggested it to them at the 'right time'. As to the 'summer issue', well now it's the long school holidays and so the kids have their longest break of the seems that after the 'cutting' it takes about two weeks to heal and therefore this is the longest period the kids get to allow it to heal, plus as it is seen as a rite of passage this would happen before they move up a year at school.
According to my two colleagues I must be blind not to have noticed the signs around the clinics in the malls here offering similar packages. As to it being considered the 'norm'...well Jesus was circumcised I asked how they knew that, because I hadn't remembered reading it in the Bible...heathen that I am, of course it was pointed out to me that Jesus was a Jew and therefore must have been circumcised), so that explains it...
So there you go boys and girls, I must say when I came to Manila I didn't think this was a subject I would devote a hours lunch time conversation and a blog post to!!
A whole new meaning to "A little off the top"
...and it's cheap too..~grin~
Fumie, my tip would be "change religion".
Thank God, Jesus, and whoever, mine was done right after I was born. Damn...that's gotta hurt!
I can't imagine being old enough to know what is going on when they do that.......that's why they do it when you are a baby.
Its like when I had my vasectomy and the doctor tried to be cute by saying "Oops!" when he was 'down there' working. Sorry, but there is nothing funny about getting cut on the family jewels..........
In the book 3001 by Arthur C. Clarke though, they have an interesting twist though. The central figure in the book is rejected by his first lover in a 1000 years because he was circumcised.........
Do the lads get paraded around their neighbourhood as they are here in Indonesia?
And do all and sundry get invited to a feast?
I've never understood the need for circumcision, particularly among Muslims. Doesn't the Koran suggest that we humans are already less than perfect?
So is the Summer Promotion inter-denominational in Manila?
The Tagalog word for uncircumcized is "supot" (or something like that) and it is a grevious insult. During EDSA 2 I saw banners saying "Erap supot". I might be wrong, but it seems to me that the assumption that circumcision is the "norm" is yet another example of how the Philippines has absorbed, and even exceeded, American values.
Skippy: I can imagine that didn't come as much of a joke!
Jakartass: That I don't know...however in the interests of research I shall ask!
Torn: From talking to my colleagues who are very open about does seem they see it as the 'norm'. However from my discussion the other day it was described as having Christian origins...however according to MLQ3's post the other day, that may not be true....According to Mike Tan at last Saturday’s Ayala Museum Docent Training Program session, circumcision is a holdover from our Islamic past -the Spanish tried to forbid it, but obviously, failed.
Which in turn takes us back to your post the other day.
Male genital mutilation.... how nice.
Ick Ick Ick.
Surely we all arrived with the bits we're meant to have? Aiya.
And what a way to spend your summer hols. You busy today? Yeah, I need to keep my "mate" elevated so it doesn't swell. And let's not forget itchy stitches...
Thank you for your post, pretty helpful material.
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