Friday, February 03, 2006

The smile was soon wiped off my face...

what to watch (or not) whilst your wife is in labour...

ok...he is not sexy...but he is...and I'm very upset that he is delaying his 'diaries'..lots of pictures of him in glorious technicolour would be a prime reason to buy it!!

Why can't the Japanese just write into their consitition..royal princesses are not allowed to marry 'blue-eyed foreigners'..a bit like the British royal family and Roman Catholics...

Now if it had been with Pierce Brosnan, I would have volunteered....but this guy does nothing for me...

And from the Jordan Times...
Strangely enough, however, adults, particularly husbands, are finding in the SMS a way out of their marriages.

In several Arab countries, it has been reported that men have divorced their wives through an SMS message, and it opened a debate on the legality of the matter.

The other day, I was pleased to learn that a Malaysian Muslim senator has been fined for divorcing his wife by sending her an SMS and leaving a voice mail on her mobile phone. The senator, Kamaruddin Ambok, 52, was fined 550 ringgit ($147) by a Sharia court for attempting to divorce his wife, Mahani Hussain, by phone, instead of declaring his intentions in court.

As the curtains are about to be lowered on the West Wing...which is your favourite episode (via The Shakey Kaiser)

Just a little bit of Lawrence.

On a far more serious note...Flagrant Harbour has an excellent round up of the 'Mohammed Cartoons' issue.. the whole issue just goes to show that Islam is in serious need of a good PR agent...a lot of people are unaware that images of the Prophet are blasphemous...and as such this would be a good opportunity for education rather than violence and hatred (again bad PR)...and here is a Jordanian round up...from Mental Mayhem

Whilst updating myself at Mental Mayhem I see that one of Natasha's friends has been kidnapped in Iraq....Jill Carroll is an American journalist who at one time worked for the Jordan incredibly tragic and so hard to bear for friends and family. Again, this whole issue of kidnapping in Iraq shows Islam in the worst possible light....


Blogger Skippy-san said...

Wish it had worked that way in the US. I could have saved myself a heck of a lot of money!

In the US its your lawyer that sends you and SMS:

"Congratulations pal. You're screwed! Please remit the following soonest...."

2:16 pm  

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