Tuesday, December 20, 2005

In haste....

So busy at work at the moment, I don't have time to formulate any non-work related thoughts...so posts over the next few days will be light to non-existant, any posts there are will probably be using other people's posts for inspiration...starting with...

Pictures like this make me feel really homesick..my mother worked at Marina Cove a few years back..I loved it over there.

I cannot use a better description than MLQ3...A Bibliophile's wet dream

Also via Manolo...something I will have to read into when I have more time (probably sometime mid-January!)...love hotel/motels being closed - for the love of God, literally. The odd thing is that I took a picture of the entrance to this place a few nights back...(would like to point out that I was not frequenting the joint)

Helen finally gets a result! And she really deserves it!

Flagrant Harbour dissects the latest press release from another group of HKG fruitcakes...

Chocolate is not so bad for you...

And finally...a spotted beagle!


Anonymous Eli said...

Here, I do not really suppose this will have effect.
hair sticks | floppy hats | business casual men

8:34 am  

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