Sunday, November 06, 2005

Through the looking glass......

One of the blogs that I do read unfailingly is Petite Anglaise. Her style of writing is descriptive and to the point...

Petite writes about her life as a Brit in Paris and her life with her French boyfriend (Mr Frog) with whom she has a daughter (Tadpole). Earlier this year Petite and Mr Frog parted company…Petite met someone else, to whom she gave the moniker “My lover”. When Petite first wrote about ‘her lover’ there was great discussion in the comments of that post as to the identity of this mystery man….….

Her most recent post manages to put all the speculation to just three words....'Go see Jim?'

And the reason for my post…..

….It struck me as odd, how we follow other people’s lives though blogs, generally people we will never meet, possibly never communicate with - other than odd comments left or one or two e-mails – and yet, we know so much about them…what makes them smile, what makes them cry, what are their hidden dreams or fears…often we know more about our fellow bloggers than we do our “real world” people - siblings, close friends, husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends...this is a strange, intangible world we inhabit...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a feeling I am about to wander into an area of mutual incomprehension between the sexes, but my feeling on reading the posts from the Petite Anglaise was: what a heartless woman.

Men will never understand how women can talk about their love lives in excruciating detail among themselves and it seems blogging has lifted this to a whole new plane! Of course la Petite Anglaise is free to take her choices and to follow her dreams and all that, but I think her former partner and the father of their child is due some respect too and I don’t think she has shown him any at all.

Incidentally, it is interesting that she calls her boyfriend “Mr Frog”. That reminds me of another bog written by an English woman, this time in Belgium, called “My boyfriend is a twat”. I wonder whether men could get away with such name-calling?

7:44 am  
Blogger Madame Chiang said...

not at all...reading some of the comments left on her blog I think quite a few people would agree with your sentiments...

Women have always spoken more freely amongst themselves about their emotions, dreams, sex...and the reverse opinion is that women just can't understand why men don't...

I think the 'name-calling' issue is fairly evenly spread between the sexes...maybe not in the blogosphere, but in reality...I hear men calling women 'names' far more often than women calling men....maybe I just move in the wrong circles!!!

7:51 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, let’s turn it around. You are the partner of a French expatriate. Let’s call him “Little Frenchman” and you “Madame Ros Bif”.

You have a child and presumably a long-term commitment to the relationship. Unbeknown to you (presumably), Little Frenchman keeps a blog in which he chronicles his affair with someone who visited his blog. He dumps you and continues writing about his new lover, her cleverness, and the relationship his child (yours too) is developing with his new lover.

Visitors from as far away as the Philippines visit Little Frenchman’s blog. Magnifique, they cry. You are so deep and profound! Chase your dreams. A bas Madame Ros Bif!

I suppose if Madame Ros Bif never reads Little Frenchman’s blog it may not matter, but let’s just say you do happen to read it (along with thousands of other strangers of course). How would you feel?

2:21 pm  
Anonymous Bartholomew said...

Goodness, there is really much worthwhile data in this post!
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7:47 pm  

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