Monday, February 14, 2005

Only in Hong Kong #2

I have a found a new phenomenon, which must be particular to Hong Kong...."Escalator Rage"........this happens when you are in the last group of people going down the escaltor (removed the word 'on')at about 9:58am and there is a huge group of people waiting for it to be changed to its upward motion - these lazy gits cluster around the bottom of the escalator which makes it really difficult to get off without barging through with elbows sticking out..........hence "Escalator Rage".

I realise that going down the escalator is the height of laziness, but it does give one a good opporunity to catch up on reading....

Speaking of the escalator, I like POAD's advertising campaign with the grass, makes the whole area feel so much more rural and not as if you are in the centre of a concrete jungle....made my trip home last night far more relaxing, I could almost smell the freshly mown grass.


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