Saturday, February 05, 2005

Madame Chiang speaks

I wonder how many other people have struggled as I have when starting their blogs, first you have to think of a name, then what you want your blog to look like (I have taken the easy option and am using this site with its templates - but there is still a choice), then decide what you are aiming to achieve with your blog - personal thoughts, daily accounts, political commentary or just a running commentary of one's life. Then finally, the "big one", the "First Post"! What should it say, should it be a statement of who you are and what you would like to achieve - God alone knows!

Of course, it is possible that I am the only person to have these massive decision problems, possibly others have them in a different order. In retrospect, thinking about content should have been my first priority, but I think I have always been one of those people who jumps in feet first and thinks afterwards - something to do with a Rooster/Aries combination!

Anyway, here it is - the "First Post". I am not going to make any grand statements as to future content. I shall see how it develops naturally and let it grow from there.


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